Monday, 14 August 2017


What’s bugging me right now are those requests about products you have bought or services used. You receive an automated online survey by email to complete. ‘How did we do?’ or ‘We’d appreciate your feedback’ they crave. ’It will only take two minutes’ it lies, they take forever. It’s all automated and they are very annoying. There is never a way of making a specific point of your own, especially a negative one. Most seem devised to receive a pack on the back, not a boot up the backside. I mostly delete them on arrival but one where the service I received was excellent, deserved some praise I thought. It was page after page, mostly asking about their call centre staff. But it was their man who visited to sort a gas problem out I wanted to praise. Sadly there was no way to do this. I could praise the person who first answered the phone to me, but not the person who rectified the breakdown. I persisted however: ‘You’re nearly there’ ‘You’re nearly there, honest!’ it encouraged. It then arrived at the point for the information it really wanted to get from me in the first place: You’re profession? Are you married? Your earnings bracket? Do you own your own house?  And as a finale asking how would I would describe my home: comfy? toasty? snuggly? ‘B***** idiots!’ I yelled, and that’s exactly how I’d describe them - if there was a way to do it online that is. I cursed their stupidity and my gullibility to have even gone this far. DELETED! Never again. Never!

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