Happy New Year - the Aftermath
Bob's Blog
Happy New Year - the Aftermath
Now is that in-between time. The all-that's-left time when all that's left of the New Year celebrations is a huge recycling heap of empty alcohol cans and bottles and a population sized collection of sore heads. Fridges over-filled with festive goodies are now slowly emptying and some actually reveal right to the back of the shelves where the out of date or shy commodities have lain hidden and embedded since December 20. Meanwhile the Christmas decorations are just hanging about doing nothing in particular until their time is up - or down to be precise.
Nobody has been dieting or exercising for ten days or more and the guilt factor is setting in. In the UK there is a move for people to give up alcohol for January - maybe we've got that from the States, I don't know. Brewers are very worried that their drink sensibly slogans are being taken seriously.
Some erstwhile keep-fitters have found that their enforced over indulgence, coupled with the leisure centre holiday closures has left them feeling much better. Why is that, doctor?
We viewers are bracing ourselves for a saturated schedule of television programme clones about health, healthy eating and exercise.
I will do my part to cleanse my body of accumulated festive impurities. I'm giving up my TV remote for January. I'll get up and switch channels manually. The exercise will do me good.
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