Multi Drop Cowboys - Muzzle Your Goldfish
Bob's Blog
Multi Drop Cowboys? Muzzle Your Goldfish
Due to work pressures, multi drop van and lorry drivers are knocking on doors and not delivering their parcels. They might wait about five seconds for someone to answer the door, but that's about it. It seems counter productive to me, if a parcel requires a signature or is too large to squeeze through a letter box, delivery will have to be attempted on another day, won't it? So why don't they wait a little longer for the less agile to flush the loo /restrain the dog and muzzle the goldfish before answering their door?
I wouldn't want to be a multi drop driver. It must be gruelling work, especially this time of year. Online orders from Mad Black Friday right up to Christmas. But the pressure on them to deliver the maximum parcels possible during a shift, calculated by an inhuman computer programme and monitored by an equally inhuman pubescent sitting on their sedentary bottom in front of a monitor - and also being tracked by every expectant customer, is proving too much. It's resulting in a tap-at-the-door-and-rush-away stratagem. Even when they stop for a leak, big brother - or sister - is probably monitoring their bowel movements.
There are steps that the customer can take however. If you've decided to stop in all day for the delivery because the **!!! **!!! multi-drop company does not, or will not offer a window, you really don't want to miss it, or suffer the indignity of chasing after them in your carpet slippers, zipping up your fly. So . . .
Install an intruder alarm, or now cleverly marketed online as the Multi Drop Delivery Alert. This will indicate when someone is near or on your property. It will probably bleep or something, but a crafty camera will also stream pictures of your imminent delivery to your devices and give you the extra time you need to open the door in time; or, if not your package, serve advance notice of an oncoming party of Jehovah's Witnesses to welcome or ignore: the choice is yours.This equipment can be ordered online of course, delivery date not guaranteed. No tracking. Just stay in all day and cancel one day of your life.
Labels: Black Friday, Internet, multi drop, online