Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Reasons to be Cheerful (Ian Dury Style)

‘Reasons to be Cheerful’ (Ian Dury and the Blockheads 1979). A great song, great lyrics, reached No 3 in hit parade too. Can we think of a few reasons right now to make us cheerful? Many can, and are posting hundreds of creative videos and posts. Many are just plain embarrassingly awful, but many are of a professional standard and as good if not funnier than any of our professional comedians and writers are coming up with.
Here are a few Coronavirus-Lockdown ‘Reasons to be Cheerful’, Ian Dury style.
(Why not add a few verses yourself.)

Reasons to be Cheerful

Waving to the postie
A cheese and onion toastie
Cuddling your mostie
A loaf of bread

A doggie with a waggie
A secret garden faggie
Binmen with their lorry
A chat with Fred

The lady at the checkout
The milkman with his float out
A healthy fresh-air walk out
Chirpy birdies’ trill

Parents climbing up the wall
Kids not bothered if they fall
       No Morrissey allowed at all
Time to chill

Badgers roadkill amnesty
Nature reclaim territory 
Wearing all-day onesie
Do our best

      Reading lots of books
      Learning to be cooks
      Not worried how we looks
      Our NHS

     Reasons to be Cheerful

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